.. wohh .. it is like a part of scenario for comedy )
2 weekz ago I was surfing a net and suddenly i heard "knock-knock" in my Icq , Usually I delete this kinda of contacts but not now..
she told me her name and said she click on the first ONLINE-MAN-IN-MY-TOWN brrr yeah on my icq id... =)
just for fun =)
okay. out of the world story, she lives nearby me .. 1 door nearby =) I mean house entrance ,
just for fun , hahaha she turned out to be very funny, cute )) and nice desposition ! so easy to be with her.. woman of easy virtuе )) Im kidding $-D
I meet her the day after thoose and made some photos =)
its she .. inscrutable =)

some stupidity )

Alko family :-D
Mood: memories
What is Love ?