Бажаючи отримати чеки на певну суму грошей від політичних інтересів, на однієї з зустрічей з потенційними донорами за зачиненими дверьми Тамп заявив, що як би росія напала на Україну за часів його президенства, то він давно би вже бомбив москву.
Pre-election promises of Donald Trump
Wanting to receive checks for a certain amount of money from political interests, at one of the meetings with potential donors behind closed doors, Trump said that if Russia had attacked Ukraine during his presidency, he would have bombed Moscow long ago.
Trump is certainly not the first candidate to seek large checks from moneyed interests. Advisers say that Trump regularly makes the same policy promises on the campaign trail that he does behind closed doors with wealthy donors, and evidence has not emerged that Trump has directly linked a specific policy outcome to a specific donation.
Oftentimes, his comments at the events are about foreign policy and topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration.
For example, at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors.
А ще Олаф Шольц заявив, що росія щомісяця втрачає на війні з Україною щонайменше 24 000 солдат. Як повідомляє видання
And Olaf Scholz said that Russia loses at least 24,000 soldiers every month in the war with Ukraine. As reported by the publication
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