Митя сегодня сказал, что Freedom to Learn звучит как "Право на труд"
Грустная цитата, прочитав которую, я (чуть ли не вслух) подумала: "Ничего не напоминает?" и нахмурилась:
"The comments began - first slowly, then in a veritable avalanche - [and] an outpouring of frustration, disappointment, and real rage came crashing down about me. It soon became an enormous interactive song of anger.... The message... was simple and monotonous. They felt they were being lectured to death.... Every day they sat passively while faculty, whom they did not know and who did not know them, spewed enormous boluses of facts at them. There were blistering testimonials about the poor quality of the lectures, of insufficient time for study, of the absence of the personal contact with the faculty, of school unresponsiveness tj their needs or their complaints..."
такие дела. Читаю дальше.