11:56 27-12-2010 Юра Острогот
Тут на днях выходит новогодний ужастик Джо Шрайбера "Красный урожай" про ситов-зомби. (где тут смайлик про зомби?)
Что же я читаю в обсуждении?

One of the characters is called Jura Ostrogoth and the planet Odacer-Faustin. Odoacer(433-493) was a germanic king of Italy 476-93, nominally under the emperors Julius Nepos(d.480) and Zeno(d.491). Odoacer was defeated by the Ostrogoths under Theodoric(455-526), and the Ostrogoths later controlled part of the area of Jura Mountains in the French-German-Swiss border region. Immersion breaking to me personally, and so-so to me is Faustin, which is connected to the zombies I assume: Faustin I(1782-1867, ruled 1847-59) was an emperor of Haiti.

Then there are names like Tekla Ansgar. There were several Christian saints named Thecla, one martyred, one abbess, one follower of apostle Paul, and Ansgar(801-865) was an archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen, sometimes called an apostle of the North, who did missionary work in southern Scandinavia. As a neutral observation of mine there is a strong Dutch-Scandinavian thing going on with the names.

Ужас. Кошмар.