Алекс Лочер
15:36 16-06-2011 Ещё рабочее
Нам в проект нужен тестер. В смысле, тестировщик. В смысле, проверяльщик компьютерных программ руками.
Даже, на самом деле, не один, а ажно целых два.

Проект реально интересный, работа приятная, коллектив очень дружный, оплата достойная. Основной упор на ручное тестирование, но умение автоматизировать пригодиться и будет серьезным плюсом, ибо впереди много всего.

Работа только на полную ставку и только в московском офисе, но если вы живете где-то в провинции и не против перебраться в нерезиновую, то это натурально ваш шанс - контора наша очень даже неплохо помогает с релокацией. У нас в коллективе различных понаехавших уже, по-моему, больше половины, и все довольны.

Формальное описание вакансии - под катом:

Mirantis, headquartered in Mountain View, California, U.S. is a leading player in the R&D/Product Development services market. Among notable Mirantis clients are Cisco, ST Microelectronics, KLA-Tencor, General Electric, Cadence Design Systems, Mentor Graphics and Agilent.

Our Moscow office is looking for Manual QA Engineer for DeepGreen productization project

The owner of the project is KLA-Tencor corporation, a leading supplier of process control and yield management solutions for the semiconductor and related microelectronics industries.

Existing KLA-Tencor's product which is currently being developed and maintained by part of Moscow ODC team, does a lot of heavy computations which run on a home-build computational cluster. The new project involves a deep refactoring of an existing product by replacing its scheduler and distributor layers to increase scalability and reliability, to built a much large and more efficient cluster or private cloud.

  • Participate in requirements analysis
  • Write test documentation (test cases specifications, test reports)
  • Manual test cases design
  • Perform manual testing and results analysis
  • Running/performing semi-automated test scenarios
  • Participate in internal software release process


  • Understanding of software testing methodology and terminology
  • Solid experience with manual testing
  • Advanced experience with Windows
  • Basic knowledge of scripting languages (enough for running test scripts and utilities, configuring, etc)
  • Ability to develop and execute sophisticated manual test suits
  • Experience with bug-tracking systems (Jira) and test management tools (TestLink)
  • Technical English


  • Ability to create automated tests using .Net and C#
  • User-level experience with *nix

We offer:

  • Competitive salary (after interview).
  • Career and professional growth.
  • 20-days paid vacation, 100% paid sick list.
  • Medical insurance
  • Flexible schedule.
  • Positive working group.

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