Noubliez Jamais
22:48 23-10-2013
Home, sweet home
Feels always nice
Though it really takes an effort for me to switch back from English to Russian))) what is remarkable - it's much easier for me to speak English, think English, find necessary expressions and words in English than in Russian. The thoughts in my mind are born in English first and only after that it takes some effort and moments to interpret them into Russian.
All these started only two months ago - with account management for a big world-wide customer, which leads to extensive communication in English. And yesterday I talked to my colleagues from other countries (Sweden, Holland), they say the same - they're forgetting their mother-languages, English is the easiest one for them. What should also be pointed out - my colleague from London says that after many years of working and communicating with people for whom English is a second language, his own level of English command (vocabulary, grammar constructions, etc.) has lowered significantly (although for me his English didn't sound that easy, but mainly due to his pronunciation).
Well, after all it is what it is - whether it's good or bad
Who on Earth could imagine that it's possible to partially forget your mother language when an adult?

As for my work, I should be fair and say that little by little I start liking my work with all the stress taken into account. And I love this feeling at least now I understand that I'll manage to survive till New Year and after that I'll make my first evaluations and conclusions. We'll see but there's one thing which I can say already now absolutely for sure - I'm loving my customer, of course they're not ideal but still they're very rewarding meaning they're open for cooperation and the cooperation is really fruitful))
nette Nixe
11:50 24-10-2013
Ну вот еще! Нельзя забывать свой родной язык. Именно он всегда и первостепенно должен come first. Я тоже люблю английский. И немецкий люблю. Я вообще языки люблю, они меня влекут, но русский всегда будет на первом месте, даже если я уеду за границу жить ) Буду читать на русском, смотреть фильмы на русском, писать на русском, но русский останется номером 1.
Noubliez Jamais
19:55 24-10-2013
nette Nixe
There's no such situation in your life that would make you speak/write/think/hear English 70% of your life-time throughout a long-long-lasting period. No one talks about complete forgetting of the native language. I mean a situation when you constantly and consistently "live" with a foreign language - and that foreign langiuage is in a much bigger demand throughout your communication than your native one. One needs to experience this - otherwise it's difficult to imagine and understand, I know just a couple of months ago I was of the same opinion as you are now
this doesn't mean that I want to forget my native language never and in no case but I admit the fact that English has taken a stronger position in my life and I feel more comfortable with it now
23:43 28-10-2013
Ну, кстати, есть у меня предположение, что с английским в этот период проще еще и потому, что ты им владеешь не в таком совершенстве, как русским. И если для выражения какой-то мысли на русском ты подсознательно выбираешь более подходящие слова и выражения из 25 синонимов, то на английском - из 5, например. К тому же у нас огромное раздолье в плане порядка слов, что тоже заставляет напрячь воображение и понять, какой порядок слов эффектней передаст твою мысль. В английском все иначе. Уверена, ругаться с Игорем, например, тебе было бы куда удобней по-русски, владей он хоть на твоем же уровне английским
П.С. Бедняжка, тяжело, поди, было мне на русском такие утешительные речи вконтакте писать)))
Noubliez Jamais
00:20 03-11-2013
в ругательном английском практиковаться пока не пришлось так что ругаться с Игорем только на русском

***да ладно я не жалуюсь))) всегда рада помочь - на любом языке