19:04 01-11-2023 Evidence
- Daouia told him he’d find his wife at school
- wanted to sell my car and his and buy Tesla to put electric bill on the church
- lives rent free on church property
- 5 people come to church on Sundays for his sermons, excuse was that all his people died in Covid or moved to other states
- lives on Fafsa, doesn’t have a job
- would say “kosher” in his “restaurant” but would only add kosher salt, would feed people pork when they specified no pork, would feed me with allergens that he was aware I wouldn’t want in my food (strawberries all the time, but not almonds - that would be too much for him he said!)
- I was chronically late everywhere because of him - to school, to jobs, so that one day I’m outta there
- kept the car turned on when filling out gas when I’m inside the car and then shaking the car to put more gas in
- did 8000 miles in 80 days on my car
- just took my car and started using it without asking me
- I started getting more and more sick (common cold/flu), was feeding me with antibiotics on a regular basis
- he would keep tiring me as if on purpose so that I would be unable to leave… saying “go to bed you’ll think about it tomorrow”
- tried cashing a $12,000 check from my account after separation - all my savings for tuition