дневник заведен 09-03-2007
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Киев, Украина
интересы [8]
04-04-2014 14:16 Хиггс-бозон так же неисчерпаем, как и вимп
Тот, что нашли на БАКе, слишком легким оказался. Я не понял, в чем суть объяснения, но пишут, что он может состоять из особо мелких кварков ("техникварков"), связанных еще не открытым 5-м фундаментальным взаимодействием.

there are many theoretical indications that the Higgs particle could be a composite one — made of some other, smaller, particles, called techni-quarks, Ryttov said. "The problem evaporates if the Higgs particle is composed of smaller bricks of nature that bind together via a new force — the technicolor force— to form the Higgs, similar to quarks binding together to form protons and neutrons," he said.
Here's how techni-quarks would solve the mass issue: Huge corrections to the mass of the Higgs in the Standard Model are needed because it is supposed to be a fundamental particle — in other words, not made of something else — with vanishing, or zero, spin.
Techni-quarks are particles with a spin of one half, Ryttov said, so by combining two techni-quarks, it is possible to make a composite particle with vanishing spin, such as the Higgs. "It turns out that theories with only techni-quarks have no naturalness problem," Ryttov said.
The idea of techni-quarks has been around since the late 1970s, but recently, there have been several important developments and refinements of the original models.
In their latest paper, detailed on the prepublish site Arxiv, Ryttov and his colleagues have argued once again that the Higgs must have an inner structure, nailing down a handful of theories that "have the right properties to fix the problem of fine-tuning in the Standard Model and bring the subatomic world into harmony again," the researchers said.
To do so, Ryttov has examined a number of theories dealing with a composite Higgs, to see whether there could be any weaknesses in them that have been overlooked. However, "They all came out strong, indicating that there could be something real about a Higgs made out of yet more building blocks," he said.
04-04-2014 18:47
Труп невесты
пятое фундаментальное взаимодействие? what the Higgs is that? вот за что я люблю современных физиков: "мы понятия не имеем как работает то, что мы уже открыли, поэтому давайте придумаем еще что-нибудь" струны, 11 измерений, темная материя, мультивселенная, ультра-супер-пупер-элементарные частицы, еще элементарнее, чем раньше...
04-04-2014 20:44
Ну да, шило на мыло. Но теория стрингов вроде как на данный момент не подтвердилась, вот они и думают, что бы еще придумать.
04-04-2014 20:47
Труп невесты
ага, мидихлориан

04-04-2014 21:12
а, божественная сила