10-01-2006 00:51 anton corbijn


Death Valley, USA 1986
This is the vinyl cover photo for " The Joshua Tree ", shot in December 1986
so it wasn’t warm although it is in the desert. This is the most serious set of
shots I have taken of U2 and they became my most well-known photographs
at the time. It was taken with a panoramic camera to take more of the landscapes
in which was the main idea of the shoot : man and environment, the Irish in
America. Not counting the " Rattle & Hum " album, the next cover was a lot more
loose and colourful (" Achtung Baby ").
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Nicolas Cage

Los Angeles, 1998
Shot for Esquire (USA) this is Nic at his home
in front of a metal sculpture and I used it to centre his head in the shot.

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Christy and Naomi

Dublin, 1993
During a stay-over at a friend’s house in Dublin where we all were, we decided to take some photographs for some fashion magazine (Spanish? I believe) but this photo is the only one I liked of that shoot and it is so pure and simple and dreamy and beautiful (thanks to the girls) that I never used any of the other shots.

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Johnny Depp

Los Angeles,1998
Shot on the streets of Hollywood and he is hard to recognise. What I like
about the photograph is the " 3 " tattoo on his hand and the three similar
shapes of the lamppost, the phone image and the phone itself.

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New York, 1998
And then there were three - the first shoot I did after Bill left the group and
REM were a trio. This shot just somehow came about during the photo session.

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Kurt Cobain

Seattle, 1993
People are seeing a lot of heavy things in this
photograph as a result of Kurt’s death, but he
was just playing around for this photo which was commissioned by Details magazine.

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Sophie Zelmani

sweden, 2003
this photo is the cover of the latest record by sophie. we shot this at the end of the day near her home, a bit south of stockholm. it was one of those amazingly beautiful autumn sunsets and we were surrounded by thousands of yellow leaves with the winter starting the next day. sophie and me work very low-key; it is just the two of us walking or driving around looking for a nice place to take some photographs and we found this little bit of woodland as we were keen to catch the last rays of the sun that day and stopped the car and took some photos for about 5 minutes at most as the sun was going down very fast. i really wanted to have a colour photo on the sleeve and managed to persuade sophie who was set on b/w initially.

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Depeche Mode

Marrakech, 1996
With DM I have done so many photographs it is hard to choose a particular one,
but this is probably my favourite. It was shot the day before we filmed the
‘ Barrel of a Gun ’ video and we had two hours to shoot press shots and things
I wanted to use for the ‘ Ultra ’ sleeve so pretty rushed really. I was using very
grainy film and I have started to shoot with that more recently-it is muted,
not so saturated in colours.

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