In the year 2525 \\ We Are Time
дневник заведен 03-04-2004
постоянные читатели [21]
BooM, Draggs Connor, EXotiCA, FoXXy_Cat, Kenderberator, Kibou, kivi, Lain Iwakura, MPD Psycho, nameless flower, Neko-chan, Ryumaster Xellos, Teav, The Hanged Man, Timoty, Tre-ne-ne, Tsorevitch, Клуб КИНОпередвижка, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Скромняга-2, Фалька
Москва, Россия
интересы [10]
Myself, terror, complacency, mental satisfaction, phisical satisfaction, good taste, independence (lie!), Deine Lakaien, how pathetic!, we are time
антиресы [7]
stupid people, fanaticism, morons, crowd, pain, tasteless people, voodoo people (wrong!)
[4] 31-12-2004 14:24
Via LJ

15-02-2005 13:26 Оживаем потихоньку
"I now know that I'm going to be uncomfortable through this whole project from beginning to end and I though I wasn't going to be. I thought I was going to be uncomfortable yesterday morning, like when we started. Everyone just sorta given me some sympathy for just being in a difficult situation, but it didn't bother me at all, because I knew it was going to be like. But what I didn't realize, was that later in the afternoon, it was still going to be like that. Now my right leg is still asleep. That's the way it's going to be, and all of this equipment is contradictory."

Current music: Lodger - Fickle
Состояние: Useful phrase is always the truth