дневник заведен 09-03-2007
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интересы [8]
23-09-2013 15:03
О Ялтинском саммите на The Independent. Английский юмор такой английский.

...For two long days, some seriously big-thinking backsides will plonk themselves upon the soft white chairs on stage in the White Hall to hold forth on a bewildering variety of grave challenges facing Europe and the world.

...In his opening remarks, the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, takes time to tell the opposition leader he is “pathetic”. Brave, as when the opposition leader stands to reply he appears to be an oak tree in a dark blue suit. He’s Vitali Klitschko – probably the first man to attempt to unify all three world heavyweight boxing titles with the presidency of his country. (Ну он немного напутал, но дуб в костюме... это сильно).

...Ukraine has changed a lot since Genghis Khan left town, but through a people’s love of animal print his legacy lives.

...Michio Kaku, a Japanese American theoretical physicist and “futurologist”, treats us to his vision of a world in which a wife can log in to her husband’s internet-connected contact lenses and make sure he is buying the right oranges. Let’s hope he is at least at the supermarket.