От _издецкого информбюро...
Almirante Zaarin
дневник заведен 16-07-2003
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Москва, Россия
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25-10-2016 12:58 Никогда такой хуйни не было, и вот опять!
Репутационные потери пошли уже за пределы богоспасаемого Отечества:


Putin backs WW2 myth in new Russian film

The clear message was that Russia and Kazakhstan are maintaining Soviet-era bonds of friendship, despite tensions in other parts of the former USSR. But the film itself - Panfilov's 28 Men - is based on a communist myth.
An official Soviet investigation into the event, compiled in 1948, concluded that the story was the "invention" of a journalist from the Red Army's newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. The reporter's account was at best exaggerated
When, in June last year, Russian State Archive director Sergei Mironenko, citing historical documents, said the story was in fact a myth, he earned a sharp rebuke from Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky.
Mr Mironenko was removed as head of the archive in March this year.
Mr Medinsky, the culture minister, defended Panfilov's 28 Men, saying "even if this story was invented from start to finish, if there had been no Panfilov, if there had been nothing, this is a sacred legend that shouldn't be interfered with. People that do that are filthy scum."

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