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Товарищ Кац
дневник заведен 06-08-2003
постоянные читатели [47]
air-stream, Alien, Arm0, ASA, curlysue, eroticplanet, gtm, js, Keti, Kristy, Leanhaum-Shee, limona, LV, manZana, Moni, Monkhermit, Moon_baby, Night Lynx, Ntony, private property, Pulim, Radu, tato, Taylor, twilight_cat, Underme, VanyaCKiller, wengl, афалина, Белокурая Бестия, Букля_, Кайтище, калантайй, кусок неба, Людная, Нет - ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Неужели не я?, Нострадамус, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Польский вопрос, Призрак джедая, прошлая, Скромняга, Скромняга-2, тай, Твин, Уиндина
Беларусь, Минск
интересы [33]
работа, спорт, общение, друзья, музыка, деньги, автомобили, нежность, секс, кошки, дайвинг, запахи, Питер, оружие, путешествия, бисексуальность, ласки, подруги, адреналин, клубы, дарить подарки, прямолинейность, татуировки, немного сигарет, шелк, хлопок, street racing, ананасовый сок, мех, Минск, тюнинг, mercedes AMG G55, mazda mx-5
антиресы [11]
тупость, жестокость, ложь, наркотики, отморозки, расстояния, ожидание, жадность, наигранность, синтетика, проститутки
[9] 01-01-2005 03:34

Забрел случайно
[12] 05-06-2004 09:49

Товарищ Кац
04-06-2004 20:14
Personal Statement

Even during my training at school I started to work with a computer. Constantly opening for myself all new and new opportunities of use of computer technics in our life, I have decided to unite the future life with computers and have laid down for myself the aim to become the professional programmer. I have left school with excellent points, in parallel having received music education on a class of flute and a piano in musical school. After leaving school I have not refused dream to become the high quality programmer and with this purpose have entered on Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer science (FAMI) in Belarus State University (BSU). During training at University, I studied some programming languages (Delphi, C/C ++, Assembler). In parallel participated in a programming of modules for the software of University. After 2 years of training in BSU to me have offered work in the organization on development of the software and games. I have accepted their offer and at the same time have decided to continue the education abroad. My choice has stopped on UK as I want to receive hi-level education and it is magnificent to know English. And where it can be made better, than in UK? Only in itself UK. Besides programming, I am fond of sports, especially football, 3D modelling and 3D animation. Also arts and design are very interesting to me. Constantly being improved and receiving new knowledge, I use them in the projects. In the future I see myself as high quality programmer and 3D animator who is in the excellent sports form and in his work uses the knowledge received both in sphere of high technologies and in sphere of arts.

Читаю и плачу...:) Нужно будет ошибки еще исправить.
Вперед к светлому и обеспеченному будущему.
Честно говоря, не знаю почему я это сюда вешаю... Никакой логики.

Current music: Enigma - I Love You ... I'll Kill You