08:01 13-10-2009
(Некрасов, II, 461)
Как сильно буря ни тревожит
Вершины вековых древес,
Она ни долу не положит,
Ни даже раскачать не может
До корня заповедный лес.
Он идет, большой и бурый
И мотает головой.
Над его мохнатой шкурой
Вьется мух жужжащих рой.
Ищет он прохладной тени,
Недовольно бормоча.
Он заходит по колени
В воду звонкого ключа.
Хорошо в ручье глубоком!
В шубе, в валенках, как был,
Камни сдвинув толстым боком,
Он садится в мягкий ил.
Он насквозь промок - не выжать!
Но, открыв зубастый рот,
Лапой бьет и пеной брызжет,
Пьет и весело ревет.
07:46 13-10-2009
Сергей Богачев "БЕСЕДА"
- Тик-так? - спросили Ходики.
- Так-так, - сказали Часики.
Кастрюля булькнула:
- Буль-буль...
Метла спросила:
- Шкря-у?
А Кот ответил:
- Мяу!
Ножи сказали:
- Вжик-тук-тук!..
Молчал в углу один Паук.
Он с детства не любил болтать
И важно думал:
Не стоит ради пустяков
Пять иностранных языков.
19:50 05-10-2009
Yesterday is history - Today is a gift - Tomorrow is mystery.

16:36 26-09-2009
слова гимна Ямайки
Eternal Father bless our land
Guard us with Thy mighty hand.
Keep us free from evil powers
Be our light through countless hours
To our leaders, Great Defender,
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth, be ours forever,
Jamaica Land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica
Land we love. Teach us true respect for all
Stir response to duty s call.
Strengthen us the weak to cherish
Give us vision lest we perish
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth, be ours forever
Jamaica Land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica
Land we love.
00:16 09-08-2009
Олег Погудин - Ямщик, не гони лошадей
Как грустно, туманно кругом,
Тосклив, безотраден мой путь,
А прошлое кажется сном,
Томит наболевшую грудь!
Ямщик, не гони лошадей!
Мне некуда больше спешить,
Мне некого больше любить,
Ямщик, не гони лошадей!
Как жажду средь мрачных равнин
Измену забыть и любовь -
Но память, мой злой властелин,
Все будит минувшее вновь!
Все было лишь ложь и обман...
Прощай, и мечты, и покой!
А боль не закрывшихся ран
Останется вечно со мной!
Ямщик, не гони лошадей!
20:37 03-08-2009
Дом, который построил Джек.
Вот дом.
Который построил Джек.
А это пшеница.
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это весёлая птица-синица,
Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
Вот кот,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
Вот пёс без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота.
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это корова безрогая,
Лягнувшая старого пса без хвоста.
Который за шиворот треплет кота.
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это старушка седая и строгая,
которая доит корову безрогую,
Лягнувшая старого пса без хвоста.
Который за шиворот треплет кота.
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,
Которая в тёмном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
10:37 02-05-2009
слова В. Лебедева-Кумача, музыка И. Дунаевского к/ф Дети капитана Гранта
Жил отважный капитан,
Он обьездил много стран
И не раз он бороздил океан.
Раз пятнадцать он тонул,
Погибал среди акул,
Но ни разу даже глазом не моргнул.
И в беде, и в бою
Напевал он всюду песенку свою:
Капитан, капитан, улыбнитесь
Ведь улыбка это флаг корабля,
Капитан, капитан, подтянитесь,
Только смелым покоряются моря!
Но однажды капитан
Был в одной из южных стран
И влюбился, как просой мальчуган.
Раз пятнадцать он краснел,
Заикался и бледнел,
Но ни разу улыбнуться не посмел.
Он мрачнел, он зудел,
И никто ему по-дружески не спел:
Капитан, капитан, улыбнитесь
Ведь улыбка это флаг корабля,
Капитан, капитан, подтянитесь,
Только смелым покоряются моря!
20:24 25-04-2009
Deepest Blue - Give It Away
I never return to love somebody
now all that i need is all i see in you
and only you
and if you get lost I'll always find you
you're all that i need your heart will keep you true
my only you
You make me fall and i can't sleep
You're holding on but it's too deep
and i can't give it away
I just can't give it away
when you slowly close your eyes
we play the moment in your life
just give it away
just give it away
when you slowly close your eyes
we play the moment in your life
just give it away
just give it away
Don't ever forget to tell somebody
the feelings inside to make your dreams come true
I dream of you
to feel so alive and want somebody
it's not make believe my world would be for you
and only you
You make me fall and i can't sleep
You're holding on but it's too deep
and i can't give it away
I just can't give it away
When you slowly close your eyes
we play the moment in your life
breathe in and give it away
breathe out and give it away
When you slowly close your eyes
we play the moment in your life
breathe in and give it away
breathe out and give it away.
[Repeat till end]
14:52 25-04-2009
Lemar - If She Knew
Oh, Ohh yeah, yeah,
She says I never listen and I´m
unattentive to her emotions, yeah
I say she's got tunnel vision, only sees it her way,
So we never could work it out.
She's all ready to give up and move on,
but I don´t think she knows,
How I wish sometimes she could read my mind.
If she knew how bad I wanna make this work (yeah),
How my love belongs to her,
She wouldn't be able to walk away (never walk away).
If she knew how bad (how bad) I gotta have her
close (I gotta have her close),
If I ever let her go, I wouldn't make it a single day,
She would never have to escape
If she knew how bad
I´ve got yeah,
Gotta find a way to tell her how I
feel before it is over oh,
I guess I could have done things better
I never should have let it get this far
She's all ready to give up and move on,
I don´t think she knows
How I wish sometimes she could read my mind
If she knew how bad I wanna make this work (ohh),
How my love belongs to her (her-r-r),
She wouldn't be able to walk away.
If she knew how bad (how bad) I gotta have her close,
If I ever let her go (oh-h-h), I
wouldn't make it a single day (not
a single day),
She would never have to escape
If she knew how bad
The thought of loosing her, cos I did something wrong
Or cos I should have been there
whenever she needed someone ohh
it´s a feeling that I know would kill me, cos
She's my heart, my soul, my love
I would never give her up
If she knew how bad (hey hey) I wanna make this work,
How my love belongs to her (oh),
She wouldn't be able to walk away (no, no, no).
If she knew how bad (how bad) I gotta have
her close (gotta have her close),
If I ever let her go (oo-oo-oo-oo), I
wouldn't make it a single day,
She would never have to escape
If she knew how bad
How bad I really love her
How bad, how bad,
If she only knew how,
How bad I really love her
I just can´t live without her (oh oh)
If she knew how bad,
If she knew how bad
20:30 24-04-2009
7th Heaven Ft. Kathrine Ellis - Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent
Bill collectors at my door
What can you do for me
No romance without finance
No romance without finance
Boy, nothin’ in life is free
That’s why I’m askin’ you what can you do for me
I’ve got responsibilities
So I’m lookin’ for a man whose got money in his hands
‘Cause nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’
You got to have somethin’ if you wanna be with me
Oh, life is too serious, love’s too mysterious
A fly girl like me needs security
‘Cause ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
Ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
No romance without finance
I said no romance without finance
Boy, you’re silky ways are sweet
But you’re only wastin’ time if your pockets are empty
I’ve got lots of love to give
But I will have to avoid you if you’re unemployed
‘Cause nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’
You got to have somethin’ if you wanna be with me
‘Cause life is too serious, love’s too mysterious
A fly girl like me needs security
‘Cause ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
Ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
No romance without finance
I said no romance without finance
No romance without finance
I said no romance without finance
Oh, you look good to me
Your silky words are sweet
But your pockets sure look empty
Ooh, nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’
You got to have somethin’ if you wanna be with me
Whoa, life is too serious, love’s too mysterious
A fly girl like me needs security
I said life is too serious, love’s too mysterious
Fly girl like me needs security
‘Cause ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
Ain’t nothin’ goin’ on but the rent
You got to have a J-O-B if you wanna be with me
No romance without finance
No romance without finance
No romance without finance
I said no romance without finance
What can you do for me
Oh, you look good to me
Your silky words are sweet
But your poc
Крошка сын к отцу пришёл,
и спросила кроха:
- Что такое хорошо и что такое плохо?-
У меня секретов нет,-
слушайте, детишки,-
Папы этого ответ
помещаю в книжке.
- Если ветер крыши рвёт,
если град загрохал,-
каждый знает - это вот
для прогулок плохо.
Дождь прокапал и прошёл.
Солнце в целом свете.
Это- очень хорошо
и большим и детям.
Усли сын чернее ночи,
грязь лежит на рожице, -
Ясно, это плохо очень
для ребячьей кожицы.
Если мальчик любит мыло
и зубной порошок,
этот мальчик очень милый,
поступает хорошо.
Если бъет дрянной драчун
слабого мальчишку,
я таког не хочу
даже вставить в книжну.
Этот вот кричит: - Не трожь
тех, кто меньше ростом!-
Этот мальчик так хорош,
загляденье просто!
Если ты порвал подряд
книжицу и мячик,
все ребята говорят:
плоховатый мальчик.
Если мальчик любит труд,
тычет в книжку пальцем,
про такого пишут тут:
он хороший мальчик.
От вороны карапуз
убежал, заохав.
Мальчик этот просто трус.
Это очень плохо.
Этот, хоть и сам с вершок,
спорит с грозной птицей.
Храбрый мальчик, хорошо,
в жизни пригодится.
Этот в грязь полез и рад,
что грязна рубаха.
Про такого говорят
он плохой - неряха.
Этот чистит валенки,
моет сам галоши.
Он хотя и маленький,
но вполне хороший.
Помни это каждый сын.
Знай любой ребёнок:
вырастет из сына свин,
если сын свинёнок.
Мальчик радостный пошёл, и решила кроха:
"Буду делать х о р о ш о
и не буду п л о х о".
20:52 17-04-2009
Улетела простыня,
И подушка,
Как лягушка,
Ускакала от меня.
Я за свечку,
Свечка - в печку!
Я за книжку,
Та - бежать
И вприпрыжку
Под кровать!
Я хочу напиться чаю,
К самовару подбегаю,
Но пузатый от меня
Убежал, как от огня.
Боже, боже,
Что случилось?
Отчего же
Всё кругом
И помчалось колесом?
кушаком -
Всё вертится,
И кружится,
И несётся кувырком.
Вдруг из маминой из спальни,
Кривоногий и хромой,
Выбегает умывальник
И качает головой:
"Ах ты, гадкий, ах ты, грязный,
Неумытый поросёнок!
Ты чернее трубочиста,
Полюбуйся на себя:
У тебя на шее вакса,
У тебя под носом клякса,
У тебя такие руки,
Что сбежали даже брюки,
Даже брюки, даже брюки
Убежали от тебя.
Рано утром на рассвете
Умываются мышата,
И котята, и утята,
И жучки, и паучки.
Ты один не умывался
И грязнулею остался,
И сбежали от грязнули
И чулки и башмаки.
Я - Великий Умывальник,
Знаменитый Мойдодыр,
Умывальников Начальник
И мочалок Командир!
Если топну я ногою,
Позову моих солдат,
В эту комнату толпою
Умывальники влетят,
И залают, и завоют,
И ногами застучат,
И тебе головомойку,
Неумытому, дадут -
Прямо в Мойку,
Прямо в Мойку
С головою окунут!"
Он ударил в медный таз
И вскричал: "Кара-барас!"
И сейчас же щетки, щетки
Затрещали, как трещотки,
И давай меня тереть,
"Моем, моем трубочиста
Чисто, чисто, чисто, чисто!
Будет, будет трубочист
Чист, чист, чист, чист!"
Тут и мыло подскочило
И вцепилось в волоса,
И юлило, и мылило,
И кусало, как оса.
А от бешеной мочалки
Я помчался, как от палки,
А она за мной, за мной
По Садовой, по Сенной.
Я к Таврическому саду,
Перепрыгнул чрез ограду,
А она за мною мчится
И кусает, как волчица.
Вдруг навстречу мой хороший,
Мой любимый Крокодил.
Он с Тотошей и Кокошей
По аллее проходил
И мочалку, словно галку,
Словно галку, проглотил.
А потом как зарычит
На меня,
Как ногами застучит
На меня:
"Уходи-ка ты домой,
Да лицо своё умой,
А не то как налечу,
Растопчу и проглочу!"
Как пустился я по улице
Прибежал я к умывальнику
Мылом, мылом
Мылом, мылом
Умывался без конца,
Смыл и ваксу
И чернила
С неумытого лица.
И сейчас же брюки, брюки
Так и прыгнули мне в руки.
А за ними пирожок:
"Ну-ка, съешь меня, дружок!"
А за ним и бутерброд:
Подскочил - и прямо в рот!
Вот и книжка воротилась,
Воротилася тетрадь,
И грамматика пустилась
С арифметикой плясать.
Тут Великий Умывальник,
Знаменитый Мойдодыр,
Умывальников Начальник
И мочалок Командир,
Подбежал ко мне, танцуя,
И, целуя, говорил:
"Вот теперь тебя люблю я,
Вот теперь тебя хвалю я!
Наконец-то ты, грязнуля,
Мойдодыру угодил!"
Надо, надо умываться
По утрам и вечерам,
А нечистым
Трубочистам -
Стыд и срам!
Стыд и срам!
Да здравствует мыло душистое,
И полотенце пушистое,
И зубной порошок,
И густой гребешок!
Давайте же мыться, плескаться,
Купаться, нырять, кувыркаться
В ушате, в корыте, в лохани,
В реке, в ручейке, в океане, -
И в ванне, и в бане,
Всегда и везде -
Вечная слава воде!
К. Чуковский. Сказки.
22:45 21-03-2009
Puff Daddy/P. Diddy - Last Night Feat. Keyshia Cole
Last night,
I couldn’t even get an answer.
Tried to call,
But my pride wouldn’t let me dial.
And I’m sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.
I know you can hear me
I know you can feel me
I can’t live without you
God please make me better
I wish I wasn’t the way I am
If I told you once, I told you twice,
You can see it in my eyes.
I’m all cried out,
With nothing to say.
You’re everything I wanted to be.
If you could only see,
Your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I’m yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
Forever yours I’ll be,
Baby won’t you come and take this pain awayyyyy.
Last night,
I couldn’t even get an answer.
Tried to call,
But my pride wouldn’t let me dial.
And I’m sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.
I need you,
And you need me.
This is so plain to see,
And I will never let you go and,
I will always love you so.
I will...
If you could only see,
Your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I’m yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
Forever yours I’ll be,
Baby won’t you come and take this pain awayyyyy.
Last night,
I couldn’t even get an answer.
Tried to call,
But my pride wouldn’t let me dial.
And I’m sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.
Tell me the words to say,
To make you come back,
And work me like that.
And if it matters I’ll rather stay home,
With you I’m never alone.
Don’t want to wait till you’re gone,
Let me be, just don’t leave me.
Last night,
I couldn’t even get an answer.
Tried to call,
But my pride wouldn’t let me dial.
And I’m sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.
I need you,
And you need me.
This is so plain to see,
And I will never let you go and,
I will always love you so.
I will...
If you could only see,
Your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I’m yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
Forever yours I’ll be,
Baby won’t you come and take my pain awayyyyy.
Last night,
I couldn’t even get an answer.
Tried to call,
But my pride wouldn’t let me dial.
And I’m sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.
I’m so alone I’m soooo lonelyyyyy,
Why don’t you pick the phone,
And dial up my number,
And call me a baby,
I’m waiting on you.
Why don’t you pick the phone,
And dial up my number,
Just call me a baby,
I’m waiting on you.
[Phone dialing and ringing]
Hey waz-up
I’ve been tryin’ to reach you all night
That shit ain’t funny not picking up the mutha fucking phone
Better stop fucking playing with a nigga’s feelings like that
You know how much I love you though right?
But for them couple of seconds though,
When I couldn’t get in touch with you.
I’m ready to come over your house and shoot that mutha fucker up
You better fucking not be there when I get over that house
That’s really how it goes down right?
22:07 19-03-2009
Toni Braxton - You Mean the World to Me
If you could give me one good reason
Why I should believe you
Believe in all the things that you tell
I would sure like to believe you
My heart wants to receive you
Just make me know that you are sincere
You know I'd love for you to lead me
And follow thru completely
So won't you give me all I ask for
And if you give your very best
To bring me happiness
I'll show you just how much I adore you
Cause you mean the world to me
You are my everything
I swear the only thing that matters
Matters to me
Oh baby, baby, baby, baby,
Baby, cause you mean so much
To me
Now it's gonna take some workin'
But I believe you're worth it
Long as your intentions are good
So good
There is just one way to show it
And boy I hope you know it
That no one could love you like I could
Lord knows I want to trust you
And always how I'd love you
I'm not sure if love is enough
And I will not be forsaken
And I hope there's no mistakin'
So tell me that you'll always be true
Cause you mean the world to me
You are my everything
I swear the only thing that matters
Matters to me
Oh baby, baby, baby, baby,
Baby, cause you mean so much
To me
There's a feeling in my heart
That I know I can't escape
So please don't let me fall
Don't let it be too late
There's a time when words are good
And they just get in the way
So show me how you feel
Baby I'm for real
Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
Cause you mean the world to me
You are my everything
I swear the only thing that matters
Matters to me
Oh baby, baby, baby, baby,
Baby, cause you mean so much
To me
22:42 15-03-2009
Black Eyed Peace - Let's get it started
You wouldn't believe how we wow shit out.
Burn it till it's burned out.
Turn it till it's turned out.
Act up from north, west, east, south.
Everybody, everybody, let's get into it.
Get stupid.
Get it started, get it started, get it started.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Lose control, of body and soul.
Don't move too fast, people, just take it slow.
Don't get ahead, just jump into it.
Ya'll here a body, two pieces to it.
Get stutted, get stupid.
You'll want me body people will walk you through it.
Step by step, like you're into new kid.
Inch by inch with the new solution.
Trench men hits, with no delusion.
The feeling's irresistible and that's how we movin'.
Everybody, everybody, let's get into it.
Get stupid.
Get it started, get it started, get it started.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin',
and runnin' runnin', and runnin runnin' and...
C'mon y'all, lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here) Ow, ow, ow!
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya...
Let's get ill, that's the deal.
At the gate, we'll bring the bud top drill.
(Just) Lose your mind this is the time,
Ya'll test this drill,
Just and bang your spine.
(Just) Bob your head like me APL de,
up inside your club or in your Bentley.
Get messy, loud and sick.
Ya'll mount past slow mo in another head trip.
(So) Come then now do not correct it,
let's get ignant let's get hectic.
Everybody, everybody, let's get into it.
Get stupid. (Come on)
Get it started (come one), get it started (yeah), get it started.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started (woah, woah, woah) in here.
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here) Ow, ow, ow!
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya...
Runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin',
and runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin'
18:55 22-02-2009
Fragma - Tocas Miracle
If you're gonna save the day
And you're hearin' what I say
I feel your touch
Your kiss, it's not enough
And if you believe in me
Don't think my love's not for real
I won't take nothin' less then a deeper love
Let me tell you
You, no I,
I need a miracle
I need a miracle
Its more physical than
What I need to feel from you
Repeat Chorus
Tell me that you understand
And you'll take me as I am
You'll always be the one to give me everything
Just when I thought no one cared
You're the answer to my prayer
You lift my spirits high
Come on and rescue me
Repeat Chorus
00:11 20-02-2009
Shontelle "T-Shirt"
Hey! Let me tell you now
Ooh, baby
Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I really wanna go out tonight
I never used to go out without ya
Not sure I remember how to
Gonna be late, gonna be late
But all my girls gon' have to wait
'Cause I don't know if I like my outfit
I tried everything in my closet
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choo's
Taking them off 'cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on, ooh
With nothing but your t-shirt on, hey
Gotta be strong, gotta be strong
But I'm really hurting now that you're gone
I thought maybe I'd do some shopping
But I couldn't get past the door and
Now I don't know, now I don't know
If I'm ever really gon' let you go
And I couldn't even leave my apartment
I'm stripped down, torn up about it
Now nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choo's
Taking them off 'cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on
(I'm all by myself with)
With nothing but your t-shirt on, ooh
With nothing but your t-shirt on
('Cause I missed you, 'cause I missed you)
With nothing but your t-shirt on
(Said I missed you baby)
Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I really wanna go out tonight
I couldn't even leave my apartment
I'm stripped down, torn up about it
'Cause nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choo's
Taking them off 'cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In bed I lay
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choo's
Taking them off 'cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In bed I lay
With nothing but your t-shirt on
Said I got nothing but your t-shirt on
('Cause I want to be close to you)
With nothing but your t-shirt on
(I remember when you would like to see me)
With nothing but your t-shirt on
Nothing but your t-shirt on
(Let me tell you now)
Nothing but your t-shirt on
With nothing but your t-shirt on
Nothing but your t-shirt on
(Said nothing feels right)
With nothing but your t-shirt on
(Nothing but your t-shirt on)
00:09 20-02-2009
Gabrielle "Out of reach"
Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
Catch myself
From despair
I could drown
If I stay here
Keeping busy everyday
I know I will be OK
But I was
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
So much hurt,
So much pain
Takes a while
To regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time,
You'll be out of my mind
And I'll be over you
But now I'm
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach,
So far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
Out of reach,
So far
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there
For me
01:04 19-02-2009
The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too
Thursday, I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Saturday waits
Sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitates
I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's Friday I'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Oh, Thursday watch the walls instead
It's Friday I'm in love
Just look to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirit shrines
Throwing down your frown and just smiling at the sound
Sick as a sheep spinning 'round and 'round
Always take a big bite, it's such a gorgeous site
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough, enough of this stuff
It's Friday I'm in love