Пусть пока тут полежит
дневник заведен 06-03-2007
Калгари, Канада
10-06-2014 05:51 The Counselor
Отличный фильм Ридли Скотта, где практически каждая сцена - шедевр и даже у Бреда Пита диалоги такие, что приходилось в словарь лезть, чтобы понять, что он там говорит.

Эпизод с Камерон Диас:

she goes around and climbs up on the hood of the Ferrari...

and pulls her dress up around her waist...

and spreads herself across the windshield

with no panties on.

And she's had this Brazilian wax job, you know?

Don't even think I'm making this up.

You can't make this up, all right?

I mean, she was a dancer.

So, she does this full split...

and then she starts rubbing herself up and down on the glass.

Then she leans down to see if I'm watching.

Like, no, I'm sitting there reading my email.

And she kisses me upside down.

And then she tells me that she's going to come.

I thought, "I 'm losing my fucking mind. That's what's happening here."

It was like one of those... one of those catfish things.
You know? One of those...

One of those bottom-feeders you see going up the side of the aquarium... sucking its way up the glass.

I mean, it was, I don't know... hallucinatory.

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